Last afternoon, my sister was sitting sad and lost.
When I asked her multiple times, she still didn’t respond.
My 3 yo nephew or her son, who was in her lap, I turned to him.
Told him, “Tell you Mom to smile.”
Do you know what he responded?
“I want watermelon!”
Wow. So cute. That is the level I want to get to in my life. Clarity. Focus. Inner calm.
Here’s something I learnt from him:
My sis told me that he was already nudging her to stop being so sad. He always says, “First, you smile.“
He was not attached to his Mom’s emotions. He loves her, wanted her to smile. But didn’t get upset when she did.
He knew what he wanted :)
Didn’t get unhappy when he didn’t get the watermelon.
His love is not conditional when his Mom is smiling only. Love IS he.
So, my question to you is: Do you want watermelon?